Cultural/Racial Identity
Stratifying Blackness
Two Black women share how they have experienced how class stratifies the Black community and creates judgmental rifts.
Making Connections
Black woman shares how she has come to understand the non-monolithic nature of Blackness and ways of being Black.
Understanding My Blackness in Seattle
Black woman shares how growing up she has come to understand her Blackness in Seattle.
Black and People of Color
Two students discuss the differences between Black people and people of color.
Look for Words That Build People
Grandmother and her grandson discuss how language can be changed to nurture, uplift, and encourage people to be themselves rather than demean and confine people to labels.
Grandmother and her grandson share their experiences as lighter skinned Black people and the way people perceive them.
Bilingual First-Gen Theory
Two first-generation college students commiserate about their experiences at university
Interactions Between Black People and African Americans
Black student describes the trauma of slavery on Black Americans who were stripped of their connection to their ancestral homelands and how that history impacts current interactions between Black people and African immigrants.
I Really See No Need to Distance Yourself From Each Other
Black student describes how the Black American and Black immigrant communities are fighting the same battles in the U.S.
While Narratives Manipulate Black Stories
Two Black women discuss how the white savior trope and how white narratives always find their way into Black stories or films.
Dual Burden
Two Black man share their exhaustion with carrying the weight of the “dual burden” in which they try to live normal lives while also constantly having to educate others on the Black experience in the U.S.
Why White People Remain Unpersuaded
Black man shares his theories regarding why white people remain unpersuaded about privilege and how it exists/manifests for them.
How Old Were You When You Realized You Were Black or Race Was a Thing?
Two Black men share stories of when they first “realized they were Black.”
Communities That Fit Your Spirit
Two Black parents describe the choices they’ve made to ensure that their children are connected to communities that fit their spirit.
When Am I Going to Be Good Enough
A young Black woman describes an experience in which she and her friends were unjustly targeted during a school event.
Life Changing Transformative
Black woman shares how she has begun to identify and own her identity as a Black woman.
I Didn’t Realize There Were So Many of Us With That Experience
Two Black women commiserate over how comforting (albeit saddening) to know that others are also engaging in the same struggles and self-reflections as them.
It Stops Here
Older Black woman shares with her younger dialogue partner what it looks like to experience years of racism and work to heal.
Never Just a Student
Two Black students discuss what it looks like to be Black women in high school and how they balance the burden of responsibility in the classroom.
African American and Black Immigrant Experiences
Two women discuss the different and sometimes intersecting experiences of African American and Black immigrants in the U.S.
Advice to Teachers
Students of color give advice to teachers about what it looks like to address racism in the classroom and where to ask questions about race if they don’t know how to address it.
Healing Circles
Students share how their teachers engage in restorative justice by facilitating healing circles and making sure all student voices are heard.
Standing Up to Other People
Interviewer asks a student what they think it looks like for white teachers to be an ally for students of color.
Cultural Identity in Chinese Immersion School
Two students and a parent discuss experiences in a Chinese immersion school and what they wished the teachers would do differently.
White father describes how a school’s problematic approach to teaching history led him and his wife to decide to homeschool their student until they found a better school.
Cultural Identity and Holidays
Mother talks with her children about how they celebrate cultural identity and holidays in their mixed household.
Grace vs. Race
Two students describe their identities and how they respond to people who ask them what their race is.
I Like Being Different, I Always Am Who I Am
Insightful young student describes how she approaches her cultural identity and the way it impacts (or doesn’t) how people might see her.