cultural identity
Accumulation of Wealth
Listen as this mother speaks to her young daughter about racialized social inequities.
Youth Connections – Zootopia
Listen as this youth draws a connection between lived experiences and an animated film.
Core Aspects of Life
Listen to this clip of a youth and their mentor recognizing the benefits of mentorship.
Paving the Way
Listen as this speaker shares his story of mentoring young people through to college years.
Radicalization After Malcolm
Listen as Reggie Oliver talks about his coming of age in the wake of the Civil Rights Era.
Youth Companionship
Listen as two youth share their perspectives on what they like about being Black, and their school environment.
Colorism and Learning Self Love
In this clip, two Black girls talk about colorism, media representation, and self love.
Representing Voices That Are Not Your Own
In this clip, a visitor to the Northwest African American Museum on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2024 talks about representing diverse voices in mural art.
Life Hitting the Brick Wall of the Pandemic
In this clip, listen as a graduate student shares the challenges and changes they faced with starting graduate school in the pandemic.
Tracing the Roots of Capitalism
In this clip, Alex and Syreeta trace the roots of capitalism, a system of oppression built off the descendants of enslaved Africans.
Let the Ancestors Guide You
In this clip, we will listen to community members discuss their experiences with home, connecting to roots and the values of our ancestors.
Worth Risking Offending Somebody
Two students give advice to teachers about the importance about talking about race and how talking about race can help educate people.
Advice to Teachers
Students of color give advice to teachers about what it looks like to address racism in the classroom and where to ask questions about race if they don’t know how to address it.
Healing Circles
Students share how their teachers engage in restorative justice by facilitating healing circles and making sure all student voices are heard.
Standing Up to Other People
Interviewer asks a student what they think it looks like for white teachers to be an ally for students of color.
Cultural Identity in Chinese Immersion School
Two students and a parent discuss experiences in a Chinese immersion school and what they wished the teachers would do differently.
Cultural Identity and Holidays
Mother talks with her children about how they celebrate cultural identity and holidays in their mixed household.
Grace vs. Race
Two students describe their identities and how they respond to people who ask them what their race is.
I Like Being Different, I Always Am Who I Am
Insightful young student describes how she approaches her cultural identity and the way it impacts (or doesn’t) how people might see her.
Talking Race at Home
Students tell interviewers where they talk about race and how they talk about it between home and school.
Addressing Racial Tension
Student, teachers, and parents describe the role their racial and cultural identity play in their interactions and how they navigate addressing racial tension in a school setting.
Discipline and Differential Treatment
Parents and students reflect on their experiences with differential treatment and discipline in school.
Diversity Committees and Affinity Groups: Who Benefits from These Spaces
UW Communications ยท Diversity Committees And Affinty Groups, Who Benefits From These Spaces
Diversity Committee
White friend describes her position on a diversity committee and how she talks to her Black friend for advice
Teaching Identity
Mixed race students discuss what they learn in school and the messages about identity they receive based on who and what teachers choose to prioritize in their lessons.
Singling Out Mixed Kids
Mixed race students describe their experiences in school being the singled out and bearing the weight of expectations to speak on racial or cultural topics because of their “mixed-ness.”
Which Box Do I Check?
Mixed race students describe their experiences navigating their mixed identity in a world that constantly wants to figure them out or force them to choose only one.
Finding My Voice, Fighting for My Place
UW President discusses immigrant discrimination throughout her lifetime, from her youth through college
The Limits of Citizenship and Belonging
Immigrant activists discuss the privileges and limits of citizenship and how to build allyship across differences
Finding Affinity
Long time friends and educators discuss growing up in predominantly White communities, assimilation, and forming racial identities.
Learning to Code-Switch
Student discusses how learning to code-switch helps navigate the hyper-visibility of black identity
Transforming Snow White
Recalls as a young child singing a Disney song at an assembly and being made fun of because she was a Black girl singing a Snow white song